Sunday, May 27, 2018

Free Rick Wershe Official Facebook Page

"The story of Richard Wershe, Jr. is an epic tale, sprawling and complex. It is a challenge to keep the story straight because there are so many players, so many events. It is a challenge to tell you about it. It is much more than a story about a white teenage dope dealer in the black underworld.

It is every bit as much a tale about police criminality, political corruption and what appears to be a decades-long vendetta, a dark and chilling conspiracy within the criminal justice system against a teenager who dared to help the FBI put politically-connected dope dealers and corrupt cops in jail. It appears to be an organized violation of one man’s civil rights over his entire adult life.

There are dozens of important events and hundreds of characters in this story. Two key episodes were Wershe’s 1988 drug trial and his 2003 parole hearing. This lengthy blog post touches on both. Those bothered by how long it takes to read this should remember Rick Wershe has lived with all of this every day, 24/7, in an 8 X 12 prison cell for the past 29 years." Read More Here

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